Hair loss in under 40’s

It is becoming even more common that a lot of under 40’s have thinning hair, and need to have an ultimate guide on how to handle it. So, I figured I’d address a bit of the process and what you can do about it & feel that Hair Tattoo is one of the leading treatments for this kind of hair loss in under 40s.
Now, here’s the thing, male pattern baldness (MPB) is caused by your sensitivity to DHT and it’s totally determined by your genetics. A boost in DHT will help with the growth of your beard, but it’ll also hinder your ability to keep your hair. This is why you see a lot of guys who are losing their hair, but have great beards.
So, almost every man goes through hair loss or male pattern baldness. Off the top of my head, I think 50% of men will see MPB by their 40’s and 67% of men will see it by their 60’s. When and the degree it affects you is up to your genetics. While your mother’s father will play a role into your hair loss, it’s not a 100% indicator. Ultimately, if a bunch of people in your family are bald, chances are it’ll happen to you, too.
I’d like for you to think of your hair loss like any other genetic factor – such as your height, eye color, or skin color. There are things you can do to work with it, but at the root of the issue, you’ll have to love the person looking back at you in the mirror. IE, you’re going to have to be cool with balding because that’s part of what makes you, you!
Yeah, it’s true that MPB is primarily driven by genetics and the other three-headed (bald, that is) monster, DHT. But there are other things that potentially figure into the mix, too.
Age – We’ve kind of touched on this one already, but the bottom line is that the rate of hair growth slows as you get older. An elderly guy with a full head of hair is worthy of our praise because he has somehow defied the odds of aging and genetics. Bravo, kind sir!
Smoking – You know that smoking is bad for you, but we’re not here to lecture. Among smoking’s many negative health effects, heavy smokers are more likely to experience hair loss than non-smokers. By heavy smoker, we mean someone who smokes 20 cigarettes a day, or more. Why? Because smoking messes with your blood circulation and that means less blood flow to your hair follicles.
Alcohol – Many men enjoy a cocktail or two at the end of a long day of a work or a long week, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. But unrestrained alcohol consumption may contribute to hair loss because alcohol raises estrogen levels while Zinc levels are reduced. And Zinc is an essential mineral for growing hair.
Poor Diet – Maintaining a healthy diet is excellent for a lot of reasons, including that it’s good for hair health. For instance, protein is essential for prolonging your hair’s growing (anagen) phase, so making sure that your diet includes a sufficient amount of protein is important. A diet that doesn’t include enough iron can lead to hair loss, as well.
Medications – Studies show that certain medications can contribute to hair loss. It all depends on the type of drug, the dosage, and your sensitivity to it. Drugs included on the list are antidepressants, cholesterol-lowering medication, high blood pressure medication, non-steroid inflammatory drugs, weight-loss drugs, certain antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs, and thyroid medications.
Stress – You’re probably familiar with the expression about how something or someone is causing you to “pull your hair out.” Well, that kind of stress can, indeed, lead to hair loss, so it’s best to chill, always.
Other Causes – There are other issues associated with hair loss including: skin disorders such as; psoriasis and dermatitis, fungal infections, along with medical conditions such as; diabetes, anemia, lupus, and thyroid disease.
Now if you are still young (16 to 21) you need to understand the difference between MPB and a maturing hairline. The majority of guys will see receding of their temples and slight thinning of their hair as they wrap up puberty. The way I like to look at it is that you’re going to experience hair loss in some form or you’re going to die young. I’d rather live until I’m 100 and be bald, than die at 18 before my hair goes out; very few men in retirement homes have a full head of hair.
Now my crown has been thinner for a while and it appears that my genetics allow for a slow approaching MPB. There is no normal way to experience hair loss. Some guys recede early at the temples and then it just seems to stop, other guys start at the crown and grows from there, and some guys tend to thin across the top.
But if you’re wondering whether you’re experiencing MPB rather than a mature hairline, here are some other early signs of male pattern baldness.
- Large amounts of shedding hair in the shower and on your pillow. Keep in mind though that MPB isn’t necessarily about how much hair you lose each day, but more about how quickly you replace them. DHT causes hair to go into a resting or dormant phase so hair that falls out isn’t replenished.
- An itchy, flaky scalp may be another early sign of MPB. It can be caused by an excess of the natural oil (sebum) on the scalp, which can cause hair loss and dandruff. Remember, however, that dandruff and hair loss don’t often go hand-in-hand.
- Thin, wispy hair may be a sign that hair follicles are shrinking. If you notice the hairline around your temples and forehead becoming thinner, then this could be a sign of MPB.
- We’ve touched on it already, but another potential sign of MPB is that your hair takes longer to grow back after hair sheds naturally.