This page aims to answer lots of queries and concerns we are asked on a daily basis. Of course we love to speak to potential clients directly so please get in touch if you want to expand on anything or for any other information.

What is Hair Tattoo?
Micro needles are used to deposit a natural pigment in the dermal layer of skin, which is matched to the client’s existing hair colour or skin and the treatment is completed over 3 sessions.
You may or may not of heard of Hair Tattoo, The technical name is Scalp Micropigmentation but it is referred to as many other names including SMP, MSP, scalp tattoo, hairline tattoo, cosmetic tattoo, the list goes on. It is the process of injecting pigment into the dermal layer of the scalp, replicating the appearance of a hair follicle. Unlike a tattoo (which discolour over time), Scalp Micropigmentation is performed using specialist pigment (which doesn’t discolour) into the dermal layers of the skin (tattoos go deeper into the layers of skin). Depth control and the correct equipment and pigment is key to fantastic results which look great for years, this is why it is so important to choose a reputable specialist in SMP.
Who can scalp micropigmentation benefit?
Scalp Micropigmentation is an amazing solution for receding hairlines, thinning and balding, alopecia (we’ve treated small patches to full heads), scar or birthmark camouflage, and hair transplantation scarring and completion. So if you have issues that cover any of the above, we may be of help.
SMP is non-surgical, non-invasive, relatively pain free and you get immediate results. It’s also far cheaper than other hair loss solutions such as hair transplants and many people are now choosing it as an alternative.
How long does scalp micropigmentation last?
SMP is permanent, however, it will fade over time and a top up session will freshen your treatment up and keep it looking its best.
Top ups are usually required between 4 to 6 years after initial treatment. The length of time can depend on many factors such as age, skin type, level of exposure to sun etc.
Top ups are usually a one off 1-2 hour session so its unlike going through a full treatment again. We charge a preferential hourly rate for returning clients.
Following after care advice will make your treatment last longer before a top up is required.
What pigment is used in scalp micropigmentation?
We are truly passionate about giving all our clients the best treatment possible which not only means making sure our Technicians are the best but also using the best pigment and equipment. We use Alivio pigment, Bishop SMP & FYT needles and a Cheyenne Hawk machine.
How much does scalp micropigmentation cost?
The cost of Scalp Micropigmentation varies from client to client, and is dependent upon the level of treatment required. From £150 for a scar or Alopecia patch But for a larger area costs typically range £300 to £600 per session depending on the size of the area, but on the bottom right-hand side of our website, is a link for a free quote. a £100 deposit per session will be required that will come off per session.
Is there a guarantee?
Once your treatment is completed, if any attention is required to the treated area within a 12 month period, its free of charge.
How flexible can you be about appointment scheduling?
We work flexibly to suit our client’s busy schedules including evenings and weekends.
If you need to change your appointment, we do ask that you give us as much notice as possible to give us chance to fill your slot with another client.
Is guidance available for how my hairline should look?
We follow an extensive and comprehensive consultation process to ensure that every client receives a hairline and treatment which perfectly suits their age, preference and facial features. No treatment commences without the full agreement of the client, who will ultimately decide on the best look for them.
Does scalp micropigmentation look real?
To the untrained eye, Scalp Micropigmentation looks just as real as hair. Clients who have had the treatment cannot see where the pigment ends and the shaved hair follicles begin. Our consultants and technicians have had Scalp Micropigmentation themselves so you get to see how it looks in person.
How long until I see the finished result?
You will be amazed at the results from your very first session, however, depending upon the desired result and the extent of Scalp Micropigmentation required, the completed look may take 3-4 treatments.
Once treatment is complete, the pigmentation will have settled and healed fully within several weeks.
What will my scalp look like after treatment?
There may be some redness for up to 12-24 hours, the visibility of which will depend on the client’s skin tone.
As we go over the full area at each session building density each time, the pigmentation will look perfectly natural from the first treatment allowing you to carry on with your day to day life (of course whilst following our Aftercare advice!)
How painful is Scalp Micropigmentation?
Where no pain relief is used, Scalp Micropigmentation represents 3-5 on a pain scale of 1-10. (10 being the highest). This does depend on the tolerance of the individual being treated. Almost all our clients have reported that they generally experienced discomfort rather than pain.
The discomfort level will increase and decrease depending on the area being treated, for example, the areas above the ears and at the very front of the hairline are usually the most painful.
Please take Paracetamol an hour before treatment should you require.
Is there pain following treatment?
The pain will abate immediately after treatment is complete, though the scalp may feel tender for up to 24 hours afterwards.
Do I need a patch test?
Following your initial consultation you can decide whether or not you’d like a patch test.
What will the patch test involve?
We’ll apply a small amount of pigment on a very small and discreet area of your scalp or arm, no bigger than a pea. We’ll agree the location with you before beginning the test. A very light shade of pigment will be used to keep the area as inconspicuous as possible.
What if I have known allergies or skin conditions?
The patch test is ideal for clients who suffer from existing skin complaints. We’ll ask you to monitor the area for any swelling, itching, or rash, and will afterwards advise on the suitability of treatment. Following the patch test your Evoke technician will be available to you at any point over the phone or in person for guidance. Our pigment contains 100% natural ingredients and we have never had any clients experience any kind of reaction. Adverse reactions to Scalp Micropigmentation are very rare.
How long does the patch test take?
The patch test will only take around fifteen minutes.
How much does the patch test cost?
Nothing! We’re pleased to provide a free of charge patch test to any client who requests one following consultation and completion of a medical questionnaire and disclaimer.